sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

Crónicas bilingües de la Masterclass de Zumba y Aeroboxing

Nuestros alumn@s de la sección bilingüe de 1º ESO, han decidido hacer unas crónicas sobre las dos actividades complementarias desarrolladas hace unos días en el pabellón polideportivo de Cacabelos. Este es el resultado...y sus opiniones (en ingles, por supuesto)....

The workshop of zumba was very interesting, funny and very very cool! Junior danced really great. A lot of people were dancing at the same time on the court.
We found some values in this activity:
FIRST: It was very interesting, and I passed over the embarrassment that I initially felt because I danced with my best friends, and they are very funny.
SECOND: Zumba is great!!!! I love it because it is very funny and at the same time it is useful to develop your physical fitness. I danced all the time and I got really tired!
THIRD: I loved it , I danced with my friends and we laughed a lot . As I said before, it was very funny and interesting for most of us.
By Clara, Irene and Noa 1º ESO

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